A Study on Motor Cultural Analysis about the Example Number Base on the Physical Educational Terminology of Pure Korean's Mother Tongue in Korea History 체육사 : 한국체육사(韓國體育史)에서의 순우리말 체육용어(體育用語) 사례수(事例數)를 비교(比較)한 운동문화적(運動文化的) 분석(分析)
정동구鄭東求 , 장성수張聖秀
35(1) 9-23, 1996
A Study on Motor Cultural Analysis about the Example Number Base on the Physical Educational Terminology of Pure Korean's Mother Tongue in Korea History 체육사 : 한국체육사(韓國體育史)에서의 순우리말 체육용어(體育用語) 사례수(事例數)를 비교(比較)한 운동문화적(運動文化的) 분석(分析)
정동구鄭東求 , 장성수張聖秀
I used the 『Woo Ri Mai classified dictionary』 written by Nam Young Shin to look for these words of pure our’s mother tongue in the terminology of physical education.
The purpose of this study is in survey and present the meaning of terminology linked the physi-cal education, in ascertain the activated degree of sports culture through the case number.
If it were to study the culture of relevant society, we could understand the phase and the mean ing of these historical facts of physical education. It is an established theory that the cultured for mation of a socioty is originated by possession of language. Because, the language and the culture have close relationship in each other. In view of these facts, We could understand whether the terminologies of physical education are existence or not relate to these of sports culture. These are 988 EA. Among of them, I select usable things as the physical education’s terminology by six field, as the result, I could grasp total 366 EA. In here, I could understood that the case number of play, Eastern-style archery, judo, and Korean wrestling is 67% of the total number. I insist that the activites of these four events spread in history and culture considerably, and them, there are in close connection with the life. The fact that some related terms are diverse can be a standard to watch the activated level of culture in point.
In table-1 of the chapter IB, in case, We include play to recreation and leisure activities. I know that the case number exceeds 50% among total number. This case number is base of all physical activities arid leads the sport culture and tell us what our father’s composure of heart in spiritual and emotional nature. Moreover, We can understand that our the peoples have the optimistic nature and wisdom to seek the rhythm of life through events and play which are suitable to seasonal divisions in agricultural society. In table-3 of the chapter V,the case number of physical terminology in Eastern style archery,play Korean-wrestling,judo and etc. is much more than any other field. Because, in case of archery base on eastern-style archery, this event win public recognition the unrivaled being in suggest to us impotent point plently. Also, We keep up the world records levels in Judo. In facts like these, We know that the case number of physical education's term have a close connection between the active levels of related events and record levels of the present.
Therefore, I insist that the understanding of Korean native language about each the events will come to works offering means to understand the historic nature, culture mature, active mature and growth nature of Korea physical education history.
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Deductive study on the causes of development of judo in Kyungpook 체육사 : 경북유도(慶北柔道) 발전(發展)의 동인(動因)에 관한 추론적(推論的) 고찰(考察)
35(1) 24-35, 1996
Deductive study on the causes of development of judo in Kyungpook 체육사 : 경북유도(慶北柔道) 발전(發展)의 동인(動因)에 관한 추론적(推論的) 고찰(考察)
This study are focused on the basis to assert the independence of Korea judo development and the grope for the future guidance of judo in deducing the time and the causes of the remarkable: judo development in Kyungpook.
The causes of the spread and development of judo are the ideology of 「the good use of power」 and 「the prosperity of all of us」, which are Japan kangdokwan judo stand for.
However this study was the deduction on the causes of the spread and development of judo in Kyungpook, the causes of the development of judo in Korea depended on the circumstances and the training object and changed.
The conclusions are following
First, The causes of the spread and training of judo in 1920 times which the judo was start to spread in Kyungpook by Mr Yoo kuen-su are deduced to 「the representation of popularity of national rights recovery.」
Second, during 1920 and 1930 the majority of the Kyungpook judo are mainly composed of the student judo and policeman judo.
The causes of the activation of the student judo are deduced to 「the latent desire to keep the physical superiority to the Jananese student」.
In contrast to student judo, the causes of the development of the policeman judo are deduced to 「the pursuit of the social and economical stability」 through the judo after becoming the Japan policeman as a Korean.
The judo activity was stopped in the Second World War.
The judo was activated after the 8.15 restoration of independence in Korea.
The judo was more emphasized on the characteristic of military arts than that of sports and 「the soft easily win the strong」 and 「to respect a senior and to love a junior」 are the spiritual basis of the judo development of Kyungpook. But, after the Tokyo Olympic the judo was more emphasized on the characteristics of sports and the spiritual. basis was changed to "win is the best."
After LA and Seoul Olympic, recently the spiritual basis changed to the selfish ideology like that "win can make a person famous in the world"
These recent change of the spiritual basis show the good instruction to the spiritual basis show the good instruction to the spread of judo in the future.
Training of judo as military arts have the firm moral basis.
Training of judo as sports are busy in learning the technique and the skill to win so that the spiritual world are more ruined.
As the conclusions, I would like to advise that the spread and directions of judo as the military arts are better than that as sports in spreading the judo as the social athletics.
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A Study on the Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Physical Education Teachers 스포츠 교육학 : 체육교사(體育敎師)의 학교조직(學校組織) 헌신도(獻身度)와 직무만족(職務滿足)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
陸鍾術YoukJong-Sul , 金且用KimCha-Yong , 鄭宇鎭JungWoo-Jin
35(1) 39-50, 1996
A Study on the Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Physical Education Teachers 스포츠 교육학 : 체육교사(體育敎師)의 학교조직(學校組織) 헌신도(獻身度)와 직무만족(職務滿足)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
陸鍾術YoukJong-Sul , 金且用KimCha-Yong , 鄭宇鎭JungWoo-Jin
This study was conducted to analyze the organizational commitment and job satisfaction in physical education teachers on the basis of demosociological variables.
In this study, research data was gathered and collected by questionnaire and interviews from 382 physical education teachers who are working at the private and public secondary school in Seoul.
Statistical techniques to analyze the data were one-way ANOVA, Pearson`s correlation analysis, Canonical correlation analysis. The major findings of the study were as follows:
Firstly, in case of organizational commitment of physical education teachers, the perception of value commitment among sex, age, the level of education, the type of school were significant difference. Male teachers, more experienced teachers, the high level of education teachers, privated school teachers had significantly greater organizational commitment than their counterparts.
Secondly, in the perception of job satisfaction, sex, age, the level of education, the career of teaching profession were significant difference. Male teachers, older teachers, the high level of education teachers, more experienced teachers, a head teachers had significantly greater job satisfaction than counterparts.
Thirdly, the relationship between the organizational commitment and job satisfaction was influenced by various factors, according to the ethics of teacher, the social relation, the human relation.
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A Study on the Direction of Wholistic Physical Education 스포츠 교육학 : 인간교육 실현을 위한 체육교육의 방향 탐색
35(1) 51-61, 1996
A Study on the Direction of Wholistic Physical Education 스포츠 교육학 : 인간교육 실현을 위한 체육교육의 방향 탐색
The present study aimed at investigating problems of physical education in going for wholistic education. A questionnaire constructed with rationale approach was administered to high school teachers (n=337), high school physical educators (n=303), and college students (412). One-way analysis of variance (p<.05), χ²(p<.05), and Scheffe’s post hoc test(p<.05) indicated followings: 1) Current physical education and other general educations in high school are far from being wholistic education. 2) The failure of realizing wholistic physical education is due to problems in educational system and administration. 3) The effort of physical educators for wholistic physical education was lack. 4) The most desirable attitude that physical educators should have is acting not just planning. 5) Current curriculum of physical education, evaluation based on only result not process and evaluation method with only score need to be improved. 6) In order for physical education to play a role in wholistic education, administrative reform of education should be made first followed by change in general public understanding of physical education and by improvement in overall educational programs.
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The Relationship between Family Life Cycle and Type of Leisure Activity and Leisure Satisfaction 스포츠 사회학 : 도시 주부의 가족생활주기와 여가활동 유형 및 여가만족의 관계
35(1) 65-73, 1996
The Relationship between Family Life Cycle and Type of Leisure Activity and Leisure Satisfaction 스포츠 사회학 : 도시 주부의 가족생활주기와 여가활동 유형 및 여가만족의 관계
The purpose of this study was to analyze and examine the relationship between family life cycle and type of leisure activity and leisure satisfaction, and to provide a basis for the development of leisure policy about urban housewives.
Subjects of this study were sampled 374 wivies who lived in Seoul and the data collected from questionnaire designed for this study were consisted of responses to items constructed to represent each variable.
Statistics employed in this study were analysis of one-way variance and χ²-test.
Based on the procedures and results, the followings conclusions were warranted
First, there is difference in type of leisure activity according to the family life cycle.
Second, there is difference in leisure satisfaction according to the family life cycle.
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A Study on The Dance and Mission 무용 : 기독교(基督敎) 선교(宣敎)와 무용(舞踊)에 관한 연구
35(1) 77-85, 1996
A Study on The Dance and Mission 무용 : 기독교(基督敎) 선교(宣敎)와 무용(舞踊)에 관한 연구
Dance began with human being as the one of the oldest art, and since dance is the collective art which a choreographer delivers his philosophy and emotion by the human body, Dane is the art rousing the communication with the audience by the integration of dancers with the work. Therefore the influence of dance as the means of Mission is estimated as great.
Former days, musicians like Bach and Hendel and artists like Michelangelo and Raffaello through the Sacred music and Religious art contributed to the Mission more than the Theological method such as preaching and Religious books.
But recent 20th century the trend of Missionary dance especially in Korea shows how the effect of dance is great in delivering the Gospel. The effective preaching the Gospel is not easy especially in the other cultural area. But because Dance delivers the Messages through the body which everybody has, Dance`s effect is great in delivering the Messages.
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The analysis of energy consumption based on survey of female college students on their physical activities and leisure behavior 스포츠 생리학 : 여대생의 신체활동 및 여가행동 실태조사에 따른 에너지 소비량 분석
35(1) 89-99, 1996
The analysis of energy consumption based on survey of female college students on their physical activities and leisure behavior 스포츠 생리학 : 여대생의 신체활동 및 여가행동 실태조사에 따른 에너지 소비량 분석
This study begins with a survey of female college students on their physical activities and leisure behavior. Based upon the results of the survey, it analyses their characteristics from several aspects. Furthermore, it provide basic data to estabilish a physical activity plan that practically serves to maintain good health.
The main contents of the study is as follows: 1. characterising of physical activities - moving, sports activity, and leisure activity 2. time length spent on moving, sports activity, and leisure activity respectively 3. importance of each of the three physical activities 4. the actual amount of daily energy consumption 5. prescription of exercise intensity and exercise duration by body weight to use up recommended daily energy consumption
From the perspective of energy balance, average female college students seem to consume insufficient amount of energy in her daily lives. The fact that she, on average, spends four hours and ten minutes each day on leisure activities implies that time is not the major cause of the insufficient energy consumption. There are two reasons why the energy balance is not achieved. First, the lack of sufficient body activity leads to the energy imbalance which, in turn, results in accumulation of unused calories, obesity, and various diseases, Second, overconsumption of foods is another reason of the imbalance. Occasionally, students underconsume foods to avoide obesity. In this case, however, one may run the risk of low weight, underdevelopment, neurasthenia, malnutrition, osteoporosis.
In order to attain the two goals - energy balance and prevention of malnutrition, we need to increase active physical activity instead of inactive leisure activity. Though the latter may provide some psychological satisfaction, it is not likely to achieve energy balance. Therefore, from the long term perspective, active physical activity is better recommended.
Active physical activity restores energy balance and thus brings in physical fitness that serves as requisite for mental health, vocational health, and social soundness. In this regard, females need to form a good habit of physical activity to make home, local community, and a nation healthier. Therefore, I leave the following thins as the subjects of future study: 1. to see why female students do not perform active physical activities 2. to induce them to conduct active physical activities including various sports.
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Effects of regular aerobic training in obese and non - obese group 스포츠 생리학 : 정상인과 비만인들의 규칙적인 유산소성 트레이닝이 호흡순환 , 신체조성 밀 혈중 지질성분에 미치는 영향
35(1) 100-110, 1996
Effects of regular aerobic training in obese and non - obese group 스포츠 생리학 : 정상인과 비만인들의 규칙적인 유산소성 트레이닝이 호흡순환 , 신체조성 밀 혈중 지질성분에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this paper was to evaluated a effect of prolonged endurance training in the cardio-pulmonary functions, body composition and blood lipid component. Six obesity men as above 25% body fat and seven normal men as below 15% body fat participated as a subjects of this study. The exercise program of this study composed to intensity of 70% HRmax, 4 day/wks., 30 min/days during eight weeks.
The results and conclusion of this research obtained as follows.
1. No significant difference observed between pre and post exercise training in the cardiopulmonary functions.
2. Percent body fat was decreased after exercise training in both group. but, Lean body mass (LBM) was constantly maintained during exercise training.
3. Blood triglycerides and total cholesterol was to decreased in both group after exercise training, compared to before of exercise training, but it was not observed significant difference, statistically. However, HDL-C cholesterol significantly increased(p<0.05), Wherease LDL-C cholesterol was significantly decreased(p<0.05).
As a this results, It is suggested that Endurance exercise training of this study was significantly improved a physiological functions.
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Effect of Alcohol and Selenium on Thyroid Function in Guinea Pigs 스포츠 생리학 : Alcohol과 Selenium이 Guinea pig 갑상선 기능에 미치는 영향
김현권KimHyunKwon , 유종만YouJongMan
35(1) 111-120, 1996
Effect of Alcohol and Selenium on Thyroid Function in Guinea Pigs 스포츠 생리학 : Alcohol과 Selenium이 Guinea pig 갑상선 기능에 미치는 영향
김현권KimHyunKwon , 유종만YouJongMan
This study examined the effect of alcohol(AL) on TSH and thyroid hormone, and the protective effect of selenium(SE) against alcohol-induced thyroid toxicity in guinea pigs. TSH values, thyroid hormones and enzyme activities were measured in serum from alcohol(15% v/v) and combination of sodium selenite(4ppm, AL+SE) with these drugs in drinking water-fed guinea pigs for 4 weeks. The morphological changes of thyroid gland were studied on paraffin-embedded sections stained with H-E stain. Body weight losses, high serum concentration in TSH, and low values in triiodothyronine(T₃), thyroxine(T₄), free T₄ and alkaline phosphatase(ALP) as well as high values in cholesterol were produced in a groups fed AL. In AL-fed group, the ratio of thyroid weight to body weight(ratio Twt/Bwt) was increased compared with controls, whereas the ratio Twt/Bwt was decreased in SE-fed group. However, the serum TSH, T₃, T₄, free T₄ and cholesterol values, and the ratio Twt/Bwt were reversed in groups given the combination of SE, compared with AL-fed group, also ALP values were reversed in groups given the combination of SE, compared with AL-fed group. In microscope, the thyroidal epithelia in AL-fed guinea-pig changed in squamous epithelium compared with control group and the nucleus of some thyroid cells were pyknosis. In AL+SE-fed guinea-pig, follicular colloid is high density in thyroid follicle and increased in connective tissue around the thyroid cells. The thyroidal epithelia were consist of cuboidal or columnar epithelium. This indicated that the morphological changes of thyroid are direct action in the thyroid cell. The results of this study confirmed that the toxic effect of AL on thyroid occur independently of changes in liver function, and that SE confers marked protection against AL-induced thyroid toxicity.
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Effects of Movement by Weight Training Model in the Nucleolar Organizer Region Activity of Rat Tibialis anterior and Gastrocnemius muscle 스포츠 생리학 : 웨이트 트레이닝 모델에 의한 운동부하가 흰쥐 전경골근과 비복근의 핵소체 형성부위 활성에 미치는 효과
35(1) 121-129, 1996
Effects of Movement by Weight Training Model in the Nucleolar Organizer Region Activity of Rat Tibialis anterior and Gastrocnemius muscle 스포츠 생리학 : 웨이트 트레이닝 모델에 의한 운동부하가 흰쥐 전경골근과 비복근의 핵소체 형성부위 활성에 미치는 효과
This study was carried out to investigate the muscle weight and nucleolar organizer region(NOR associated protein synthesis. The healthy rat Tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius muscle loaded with movement by Klitgaard`s weight training model has stained silver chloride. Tibialis anterior muscle is flexor and gastrocnemius muscle is extensor of ankle Joint. Two muscle will be different affect by movement.
Ag-NOR technique is a indirect method to measure of the ongoing transcriptional activity of the rRNA gene or their activity. The number of Ag-NORs sites within nucleus may feflect protein synthetic activity and proliferation.
Thirty spraque-Dawley adult male rat(200-300g) were divided into control and 3 experimental group were trained for 1. 2. 3 months.
Body weight and muscle weight measured at 1. 2. 3 month. The removed muscle fixed by immersion and processed for light microscopy.
The result were as follow:
1. Body weight were increased, but muscle weight were decreased with the lapse of time of training. There was no significantly different from the control in tibialis anterior muscle, but, gastrocnemius muscle was significantly different from the control.
2. The mean number of nucleolar organizer regions per nucleus were significantly increased at 3 month in tibialis anterior muscle and 2, 3 month in gastrocnemius muscle.
3. The percent of nucleus include 4 or 5 Ag-NOR was increased with lapse of time of training. Gastrocnemius muscle were more include Ag-NOR than tibialis anterior muscle.
The results indicate that gastrocnemius was more affected by
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Physiological responses to walking exercise with added weight at different locations in normal subjects 스포츠 생리학 : 운동시 중량 부하물 착용 부위 차이가 생리적 대사 반응 변화에 미치는 영향
35(1) 130-143, 1996
Physiological responses to walking exercise with added weight at different locations in normal subjects 스포츠 생리학 : 운동시 중량 부하물 착용 부위 차이가 생리적 대사 반응 변화에 미치는 영향
Five male physical education major students performed treadmill walking at 5.5㎞/h to investigate on physiological response to exercise with added weight at different locations.
Seven load coditions(no added load, loads of 2% and 4% body weight added to torso, wrists and ankles) were examined.
The results were summarized as follows:
1. 2% Torso, wrists and ankles weights can increase the cardiopulmonary and hemodynamic benefits of walking and may be useful in exercise prescription for individuals who want to walking exercise.
2. In case of cardiopulmonary and hemodynamic effect during walking exercise, wrists(or ankles) weights were greater than torso weight.
3. In case of hypertension(or cardiovascular diseases) patients and weakling person, walking with torso weights may be a more benefit than wrist(or ankles) weight.
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Relationship of Muscle Force, Body Composition and Aeribic Capacity to Bone Meneral Density in the Critical Aged Women 스포츠 생리학 : 갱년기 여성에 있어서 골밀도와 근력, 체구성, 유산소 능력과의 상관관계
35(1) 144-151, 1996
Relationship of Muscle Force, Body Composition and Aeribic Capacity to Bone Meneral Density in the Critical Aged Women 스포츠 생리학 : 갱년기 여성에 있어서 골밀도와 근력, 체구성, 유산소 능력과의 상관관계
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of muscle force, body composition, and aerobic capacity to bone mineral density grip, leg force and back force were measured by isometric dynamometry, % body fat was estimated Jackson and Pollack nomogram by skin fold, VO₂max was determinded by bicycle ergometer with YMCA. Protocol. Bone density were measured by dual-and single-photor absorptiometry,
Age correlated with L2-L4 (r=-.43, p<.01), femur neck (r=-.40, p<.00), ward tringle (r=-.31, p<.05), grip force correlated with, FWTC (r=.31, p<.05), ward triangle (r=.34, p<.05), back force correlated significantly with L2-L4 (r=.33, p<.05), F.T (r=.31, p<.05), leg force correlated significanty with L2-L4 (r=0.4, p<.0l), ward tringle (r=.35, p<.0l), height correlated significantly with L2-L4 (r=.31, p<.05), weight correlated significantly with L2-L4 (r=.30, p<.03), VO₂max /㎏/min correlated significantly with neck (r=0.3, p<.04).
Regression of L2-L4 increased the explanation 37.8% with age, weight, suprailliac and of bone density of femur trochant increased 10.57% with back force.
We conclude that age, weight, suprailliac skinfold, back force: significantly predict-bone density in climatric women and the coefficient of determination r2 increased to 0.380 contrast with L2-L4. age, suprailliac skinfold, and trochant with back force. The applicability of these reaults to younger and another age is uncertain.
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A Physiological - Biochemical and Electron Microscopic Study on the Physical Fitness change and Muscle Tissue change by the Needle - Biopsy test after Swimming Exercise of the College students who are majoring Physical Education 스포츠 생리학 : 체육 전공 학생의 수영훈련후 체력의 변화와 근육생검시 근조직의 변화에 관한 생리화학적 및 전자현미경적 연구
A Physiological - Biochemical and Electron Microscopic Study on the Physical Fitness change and Muscle Tissue change by the Needle - Biopsy test after Swimming Exercise of the College students who are majoring Physical Education 스포츠 생리학 : 체육 전공 학생의 수영훈련후 체력의 변화와 근육생검시 근조직의 변화에 관한 생리화학적 및 전자현미경적 연구
This study has been aimed to oxaminc the effect of the short-distance repeated exercise and the microscopic morphorlogical and biochemical changes closely through 8-weeks crawl swimming of 10 healthy college students presently attending K University.
1. Physical Fitness and Cardiovascular Function
1) Only the back strength of the muscle strength has shown significant difference(P〈.05) by 18㎏(28.62%) increase but grip strength, leg extension strength and arm flexion strength has showed no signs of increase.
2) On the blood pressure showed the decrease of significant difference(p〈.05) by 17.6㎜Hg(8.91%) after exercise in the systolic blood pressure right after all-out time but there showed no significant difference at the time of rest and recovery.
3)The maximum respiration rate after exercise in the cardiovascular test was 8.3 n/min and phisical work capacity was 1.08 minutes(17.62%), a significant difference(p〈.05) increase, and in case of maximum exercise time 0.55 min(4.99%), maximum ventilation 15.8ℓ/min(12.20%) quantity 15.8ℓ/min(12.20%) and maximum heart: rate 7.44beats/min(3.97%), a less increase but there was decrease at the time of rest.
2. Micro Morphology
1) The result of short-distance repeated exercise through crawl swimming has showed no visible change of unclea of microscopic structure within the muscle tissue but there was the atrophy of unclea after exercise by the decrease of the length of muscle tissue and I-belt.
2) The result of short-distance repeated exercise through crawl swimming showed the morphological change of mitochondria. In other word, the size of the mitochondria got larger and there was seen the irregular form of mitochondria, Also it has been observed that the-a was the decrease of disposition of mitochondria and loss of cristae as well as the phenome of vacuole of mitochomdria.
3) The result of short-distance repeated exercise through crawl swimming has showed the distinct decrease of glycogen granule and very few was observed in muscle form and nature, In extreme case, we can not see any glycogen granule in muscle nature of muscle fiber.
3. Physiology and Biochemistry
1) Oxygen separate pressure within arterial blood after exercise was 4.15㎜Hg (3.37%) and 13. 61㎜Hg(10.95%)before exercise, And -3.47㎜Hg(-10.40%) after exercise while pH in the Blood showed no change after or before exercise.
2) The Na+(sodium) of electroiyte in blood was 0.83mmol / ℓ 0.69%) before exercise and -0.97mmol/ℓ(0.68%) and K+(potassium) before exercise and 0.58mmo1 /ℓ(16.86%) after exercise Ca2+ (calcium) was 0.34mmol/ℓ(49.35%)before exercise and 0.47mmol/ℓ(58.02%)after exercise. And Calcium like K+(potassium) showed significant difference increase after or before exercise.
3) The number of venous blood and Leukocyte was 0.25 × 10³/㎣(4.39%) before exercise and the number of Red Blood Cell was -0.1×106/㎣(-1.96%) before exercise and -0.21 × 106 /㎣(-3.89%) after exercise. The Hemoglobin was -0.63/㎗(-0.78%) before exercise, In three cases there were no significant difference.
4) The glucose in the venous blood was 19.58㎎/㎗(25.15%) before exercise which is a significant difference by increase(P〈.01) and 10.6㎎/㎗(10.44%) after exercise. Lactate Dehydrogenase was 11.8U/ℓ(3.73% before exercise and 15.17U /ℓ(15.43%) after exercise, a significant difference increase(P〈.05)
Creatinine was 0.0l㎎/㎗(1.09%), a little increase before exercise and there was no changes after exercise.
Creatine Kinase was 246.57U /ℓ(99.42%) before exercise and 268.89U /ℓ(78.04%) after exercise, a reliable significant difference of increase (P〈.001)
Triglyceride was 22㎎/㎗(35.48%) before exercise, a significant difference by increase(P〈.05) and -1.6㎎/㎗(-1.46%) after exercise which was a little decrease.
Key Words
A Design of the Basic Fitness Training Model to Developing Fitness Factors for TAE - KWON - DO 스포츠 생리학 : 태권도 체력 요인 향상을 위한 기초체력훈련모형 개발
35(1) 173-179, 1996
A Design of the Basic Fitness Training Model to Developing Fitness Factors for TAE - KWON - DO 스포츠 생리학 : 태권도 체력 요인 향상을 위한 기초체력훈련모형 개발
To evaluate the effect of basic fitness training model on the Physical fitness in TAE-KWON-DO players, 34 TAE-KWON-DO players who are high school boys were volunteers as subject. The model adapted through 5 weeks and fitness test were conducted at every weekend. The basic fit ness training model affected to speed, endurance, agility, and power in TAE-KWON-DO players.
Followings were founded in detail.
1. 100m running as a factor of speed was developed with 2 seconds after the 5 weeks Training periods.
2. sit-up as a factor of endurance after 5 weeks training periods also developed with about 13 compare with the test result of first weekend.
3. 20m round running as a factor of agility were developed significantly compare with the fitness; record of the first training weekend.
4. Speed kick as a factor of power and TAE-KWON-DO basic skill were significantly effected by this training model, absolutely.
5. Therefore, basic TAE-KWON-DO fitness training model will be recommended as the most effective methods to training TAE-KWON-DO players.
Key Words
Estimation of maximal oxygen uptake using long distance running records 스포츠 생리학 : 오래달리기를 이용한 최대산소섭취량의 추정 연구 - 남자 중학생을 중심으로 -
35(1) 180-187, 1996
Estimation of maximal oxygen uptake using long distance running records 스포츠 생리학 : 오래달리기를 이용한 최대산소섭취량의 추정 연구 - 남자 중학생을 중심으로 -
This study produced a regression equation for the maximal oxygen uptake using long distance running that is generally held in schools for the purpose of examining cardiorespiratory capability.
This study results can be applied to either exercise prescription or diagnosis of physical fitness.
For the regression, 30 male students in a middle school were sampled and age, weight, height, LBM, long distance running records were employed as independent variables.
The results acquired was as follows
1**. V˙O₂max(1/min)=2.4158+0.0518·LBM-0.0041·ZM
2* V˙O₂max(1/min)=4.7443-0.0088·Xl
3. V˙O₂max(1/min)=4.6449-0.0083 ·XM
4. V˙O₂max(1/min)=4.5009-0.0057 ·Yl
5. V˙O₂max(1/min)=4.3864-0.0052 ·YM
6*. V˙O₂max(1/min)=4.5226-0.0033 ·ZI
7. V˙O₂max(1/min)=4.5738-0.0035 ·ZM
8**. V˙O₂max/㎏(ml/㎏ /min)=0.1157-0.0001 ·ZM-0.0002 ·WT
9**. V˙O₂max/㎏(ml/㎏/min)=0.0916-0.0002 ·X1
10**. V˙O₂max/㎏(ml/㎏/min)=0.0960-0.0002 ·XM
11**. V˙O₂max/㎏(ml/㎏/min)=0.1078-0.0002 ·Y1
12**. V˙O₂max/㎏(ml/㎏/min)=0.1064-0.0002 · YM
13**. V˙O₂max/㎏(ml/㎏/min)=0.0990-0.0001 ·Z1
14**. V˙O₂max/㎏(ml/㎏/min)=0.1080-0.0001 ·ZM
*P<.05 ^**P<.01
1) Xl : first record of three trials for 800m run
2) XM : average of three trials for 800m run
3) Yl : first record of three trials for 1000m run
4) YM : average of three trials for 1000m run
5) Zl : first record of three trials for 1600m run
6) ZM : average of three trials for 1600m run
Findings of this study can be summarized as follows :
(1) Better predictability could be obtained by adding the long distance running record variable.
(2) Statistically significance regression equation could be obtained only using a bout of long distance running record.
(3) Running records of more than 1000m distances were useful as a variable for estimating the maximal oxygen uptake,
(4) Weight and LBM were useful as a variable for estimating the maximal oxygen uptake.
Key Words
Acute Changes in Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Apoprotein with Aerobic Exercise of Different Intensities 스포츠 생리학 : 운동강도에 따른 지단백 콜레스테롤 및 아포프로틴의 변화
35(1) 188-201, 1996
Acute Changes in Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Apoprotein with Aerobic Exercise of Different Intensities 스포츠 생리학 : 운동강도에 따른 지단백 콜레스테롤 및 아포프로틴의 변화
The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the acute effects of exercise of different intensities on plasma lipoprotein and apoprotein profiles: triglyceride(TG), free fatty acid(FFA), total cholesterol(TC), HDL-C, LDL-C, apo A-I, and apo B,
Ten healthy male college students(20.2±0.6yrs) completed anthropometric measurement and familiarization session, a maximal aerobic test, and two experimental exercise test sessions. A maximal test of aerobic capacity was administered by the ramp treadmill test. After the VO₂max had been measured, the subjects were asked to report to the laboratory two times on the same weekday of a successive week at 7 a. m. Two exercise tests (50%, 80% of VO₂max) were randomly scheduled by draws. On each condition the subject had fasted overnight and ran on the treadmill for 30 min at the assigned intensity. Blood samples were drawn from the antecubital vein at pre-exercise, post-exercise, 30 min, 1 hr end 2 hr post-exercise. All concentrations were corrected for plasma volume changes.
A Repeated Measures ANOVA indicated that TG was changed significantly with exercise at 50% of VO₂max and that plasma FFA, apo A-I and apo B were changed significantly with exercise at 80io of VO₂max. TG was significantly decreased after 30 min, 1 and 2 hrs post-exercise with exercise at 50% of VO₂max. Plasma FFA level was significantly increased after 2 hrs postexercise with exercise at 80% of VO₂max. Plasma apo A-I was lower at post-exercise(p<0.01) and increased slightly at 2 hr post-exercise. Plasma apo B was lower at post-exercise<p<0.05) and returned to pre-exercise level in 2 hr post-exercise. Plasma TC, HDL-C, and LDL-C levels were nor changed significantly with exercise at 50% or at 80% of VO₂max. These results suggest that intensity of 50% and 80% VO₂max may enough to affect the acute transient modification of TG, FFA and apoprotein concentration.
Key Words
A study on the equation for estimating body fat using the circumference and skinfold method 스포츠 생리학 : 여자 대학생의 체지방 추정에 관한 연구
최무섭ChoiMooSub , 손태열SonTaeYul
35(1) 202-209, 1996
A study on the equation for estimating body fat using the circumference and skinfold method 스포츠 생리학 : 여자 대학생의 체지방 추정에 관한 연구
최무섭ChoiMooSub , 손태열SonTaeYul
In order to product the equation for estimating body fat using the circumference and skinfold methods, twenty healthy female university subjects were participated in this experiments. The results obtained in this study are summarized as followed.
1. Body density and %fat determined by underwater weighting method was 1.0580±0.0092 and 17.7±3.8% respectively.
2. Body circumferences which presented the hightest correlation with the underwater weighting was abdominal (r=0.736, P<0.001) and hip (r=0.587, P<0.01) circumference.
3. Skinfold which presented the hightest correlation with the underwater weighting was abdominal (r=0.636, P<0.01), subscapular (r=0.559, P<0.01) and Pectoralis major (r=0.554, P<0.01) circumference.
Key Words
body fat, circumferences, skinfold, underwater weighting
The Effects of Parameter Modification and New Motor Program Construction Activities during the Post - KR interval 스포츠 심리학 : 결과지식후 지연간격동안의 매개변수 변형과 새로운 운동프로그램 수립활동의 효과
35(1) 213-222, 1996
The Effects of Parameter Modification and New Motor Program Construction Activities during the Post - KR interval 스포츠 심리학 : 결과지식후 지연간격동안의 매개변수 변형과 새로운 운동프로그램 수립활동의 효과
Key Words
The Relationship Between Organizational Effectiveness of Volleyball teams and Leader Behaviors of their head Coaches 스포츠 심리학 : 배구팀의 조직 유효성과 감독의 지도행동에 관한 연구
35(1) 223-230, 1996
The Relationship Between Organizational Effectiveness of Volleyball teams and Leader Behaviors of their head Coaches 스포츠 심리학 : 배구팀의 조직 유효성과 감독의 지도행동에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between organizational effectiveness and leader behaviors in korean colleges and corporate volleyball teams.
The subjects of the study were head coaches(or directors) and athletes in 23 college and corporate volleyball teams. Only 3 teams did not answered the questionnaires. Thus, 20 teams were analyzed.
Three questionnaires were used to measure leader behaviors and organizational effectiveness, including LBDQ(leader behavior description questionnaire)-Form IV-self and -other, and MOEI (modified organizational effectiveness index) developed by kim(1992).
Stepwise regression analyses were used to analyze the relationship of 6 organizational effectiveness criteria and total organizational effectiveness to leader behavior of self-consideration and self-initiation structure, other-consideration and other-initiation structure.
The following conclusions were made based on the findings of the study.
1. The self-perceived initiation structure of the head coaches had significant positive relationship to adaptation criteria of organizational effectiveness.
2. The other-perceived consideration of the head coaches had significant positive relationship to development and satisfaction criteria of organizational effectiveness.
3. The self-perceived consideration of the head coaches had significant positive relationship to satisfaction criteria of organizational effectiveness.
4. The other-perceived initiation structure of the head coaches had significant positive relationship to adaptation and development criteria of organizational effectiveness and total organizational effectiveness.
Key Words
The effect of on intrinsic motivation of competition outcomes in female soft tennis players 스포츠 심리학 : 경쟁결과가 여자정구 선수들의 내적 동기에 미치는 영향
이동재LeeDong-Jae , 김상학KimSang-Hak
35(1) 231-240, 1996
The effect of on intrinsic motivation of competition outcomes in female soft tennis players 스포츠 심리학 : 경쟁결과가 여자정구 선수들의 내적 동기에 미치는 영향
이동재LeeDong-Jae , 김상학KimSang-Hak
The primary purpose of the study is to research the relationship on the two outcome results of the subjective competition and objective one. The relationship between the outcome of the subjective competition that it a perceived success, and that of the objective. The secondary purpose is to study the intrinsic motivation which differential the consequences of the subjective competition and the objective. The soft tennis players high school and amateur surveyed IMI (Intrinsic motivation inventory).
The methodology for study of the effect of subjective perception and the objective outcome is the ANOVA. The MANOVA is designed to which dimensions examines each group. ANOVA is to see the difference between each group intrinsic of elements. The survey says the group with the subjective results are more effected than that with the objective perception. As a consequence survey support the hypothesis that assumption.
Key Words
Effects of physical rhythm on a motor performance 스포츠 심리학 : 신체리듬이 운동수행에 미치는 영향
변을철ByunEulChul , 정상택JungSangTaek
35(1) 241-249, 1996
Effects of physical rhythm on a motor performance 스포츠 심리학 : 신체리듬이 운동수행에 미치는 영향
변을철ByunEulChul , 정상택JungSangTaek
This study divided effects of physical rhythm on a motor performance into PLU, BCD, MIN, and CID that made comparison-analyses on a results of motor performance. And the leaders for the base of this results of study purpose that used a biorhythm to scientific and system method that furnished a bases date coaching for players.
Measurement method applied accurate birthdate to Fruech`s biorhythm calculation, and drawn up individual biorhythm chart used to biorhythm verson 1.8 program. Measurement time measured began at two thirty afternoon each a periodic cycle.
The results of this study conclusion are as follows :
1. Making the bull`s-eye, used Student-Newman-Keuls to post-mortem test, proved to main effect to less BCD than PLU, MIN, and CID by F(3, 131), p<.05.
2. Physical rhythm, by the records, appear high records between 100m running and zigzag running at PLU, between standing long jump, bull`s-eye, and 1500m running at MIN, and place kick at CID.
3. The records was not main effect by the statictics. But appear inactiveness motor performance less BCD than PLU, MIN, and CID.
Therefore consider records of this study are as follows :
1. The results of this study not found main effect because no sufficientuly a subject numbers. So object many players and no players of sport events think that progress in study.
2. Among cycle of rhythm think that research into CID divided BCD to descending from PIU to MIN, divided CID to ascending from MIN to PLU.
3. Rhythm divided to PLU, BCD, MIN, and CID. And that approvede every different of the section that descending from PLU to BCD, from PLU to MIN, and from BCD to MIN that ascending from PLU to CID, from BCD to CID, from MIN to CID accomplished more than minutely comparison-analyses.
Key Words
physical rhythm, PLU, BCD, MIN, CID
The Effect of Forms of KR Provision on Motor Learning as a Function of Age 스포츠 심리학 : 연령에 따른 결과지식 제시형태가 운동학습에 미치는 영향
이영진LeeYoung-Jin , 이혜영LeeHye-Young
35(1) 250-256, 1996
The Effect of Forms of KR Provision on Motor Learning as a Function of Age 스포츠 심리학 : 연령에 따른 결과지식 제시형태가 운동학습에 미치는 영향
이영진LeeYoung-Jin , 이혜영LeeHye-Young
The purpose of this research was to find out the effect of differing forms of KR provision on motor learning as a function of age. To validate the effects of forms of KR provision, the following hypotheses are raised.
1. If a form of KR provision is applied to two different age groups, it exibits different motor learning effects.
2. If a form of KR provision is applied of motor learning effects are same. To test the hypotheses, thirty elementary school girls and thirty women`s university students were tested in a 3×2×20 factorial design with repeated measures on the last factor. Subjects were randomly assigned to three different KR presentation conditions(Auditory, Graphic, Numeric). Subject were given 20 blocks of 5 trials in the acquisition phase with 10 trials of retention test after twenty minutes of retention interval. Three-way ANOVA with repeated-measures on block was used for statistical analyses along with Scheff test for post hoc analyses. The results showed that only at retenion phase, two groups exibited different motor learning effects.
As the forms of KR provision does not 5% sign level have consistent effect on two different groups, the first hypothesis is not accepted.
Conclusively it is found that motor learning is not influenced by KR provision.
Key Words
Muscle activation patterns and organizing principles for single - joint movements 스포츠 심리학 : 단일관절 동작의 근육활동 유형과 구성 원리
박상범SangbumPark , 이순천SooncheonLee
35(1) 257-269, 1996
Muscle activation patterns and organizing principles for single - joint movements 스포츠 심리학 : 단일관절 동작의 근육활동 유형과 구성 원리
박상범SangbumPark , 이순천SooncheonLee
The purpose of this study was to review muscle activation patterns and organizing principles for single-joint movements, and to identify potential problems in a conceptual framework proposed for the movement control process. Muscle activation patterns measured in diverse task situations have shown relatively systematic variations with the magnitude of task variables, such as velocity requirements, movement amplitudes, and inertial loads. Regularities in these relationships have led to an establishment of the dual strategy hypothesis, which proposes that all of the agonist and antagonist excitation pulse parameters, such as intensity, duration, and timing must be preprogrammed by either a speed-insensitive strategy or a speed-sensitive strategy. While providing a simpler explanation for the relationships between task variables and measured variables, central preprogramming of all excitation pulse parameters inevitably overloads the control system with all the details of control process. Also, the excitation pulse control as an open-loop process does not allow compensation for possible errors in pulse programming. Conceptual difficulties identified in the dual strategy hypothesis imply that the central regulation of the excitation pulse is not necessarily the best option for the control system to produce simple, single-joint movements. In fact, agonist and antagonist burst patterns observed in diverse task situations suggest that the control of goal-directed movements involves both preprogramming and on-line modulation motor commands. Therefore, an investigation into movement control mechanisms should take into account both the preprogramming and on-line modulation processes.
Key Words
Effects of Mental Plactice on Throwing Achievement Among Middle School Students 스포츠 심리학 : 정신연습(精神練習)이 공던지기의 운동학습(運動學習)에 미치는 영향(影響)
안자희AhnJaHee , 유영창YooYoungChang
35(1) 270-277, 1996
Effects of Mental Plactice on Throwing Achievement Among Middle School Students 스포츠 심리학 : 정신연습(精神練習)이 공던지기의 운동학습(運動學習)에 미치는 영향(影響)
안자희AhnJaHee , 유영창YooYoungChang
The primary purpose of this study was to examine the effects of mental practice on throwing achivement among the middle students in physical education classes. Sixty middle school male students were used in this study. The subjects were randomly assigned to three independent groups: physical practice group(G₁), mental and physical practice group(G₂), and physical and mental practice group(G₃).
In much of the literature it has been found that mental practice is directly related to the athletic performance and student learning. In addition, sport psychologists point out that mental practice without physical practice only through mental rehearsal is a key issue to improve athletic performance and student learning in the area of physical education.
Before the 6 weeks of training, all three groups were tested the throwing performance as a pre-test. After 6 weeks of training (three times a week), the subjects were examined the throwing achievement as a post-test. The independent variable is the experimental treatment inculuding the three groups, and the dependent variable is the throwing achievement. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) satistical F-test was used to determined whether or not three are differences in the throwing achievement among the three different groups.
The major finding of this study was that the throwing achievement of mental and physical practice group(G₂) showed significantly higher than physical practice group(G₁) and physical and mental practice group(G₃).
1. In connection with the pre-test of the throwing performance, there were no significant difference (p.>.05) among the three independent groups inculuding, physical practice group(G₁), mental and physical practice group(G₂), physical anti mental practice group(G₃).
2. As for the post-test of the throwing achievement, three were significant (p.>.05) mean differences among the three different groups. According to Newrnan-Keul`s test, mental and physical practice group(G₂) and physical and mental practice group(G₃) were significantly higher (p.<.05) than physical practice group(G₁), however, (G₃) and (G₃) were not significantly difference (p.>.05) in the throwing achievement.
Key Words
Differences in Attitude toward 'Athlete and Non-athlete' 스포츠 심리학 : 일반인과 운동선수에 대한 태도
35(1) 278-288, 1996
Differences in Attitude toward 'Athlete and Non-athlete' 스포츠 심리학 : 일반인과 운동선수에 대한 태도
The present study was to investigate attitude toward the concepts ‘male’, ‘female’, ‘male athlete’, and ‘female athlete’ through junior high, senior high, and college male and female students (total=421: male=196, female=25), using a semantic differential technique. The semantic differential scale was composed of 14 adjective pairs which were found to have consistently high loadings in several studies (O’Bryan & O’Bryan, 1969: Osgood et al., 1957: Vickers, Lashuk, & Taerum, 1980). Factor analysis and ANOVA with repeated measure were used to analyze the factorial structure of the selected semantic differential scale and to test whether there were significant sex and age difference in attitude toward the four concepts or not.
It was revealed that two factors, evaluative and activity-potency factors, were extracted from the semantic differential scale and were not completely consistent with the results of Osgood et al. (1957), but consistent with the results of Vickers, L.ashuk, & Taerum 1980). ANOVA indicated that the concept of female was placed in the most favored position, followed by female athlete, male athlete, and male. Post-hoc comparison using Scheff’e showed significant differences at p<.05 between all four concepts with these exception: between female athlete and male athlete. It was also revealed that the subjects perceived male athlete as most active-potent, followed by female athlete, male, and female. Post-hoc comparison showed significant differences at p<.05 between all four concepts.
Key Words
A Study on the Experience Phenomena of the Competitive Aspect in Athletic Games 스포츠 심리학 : 운동경기에서 경쟁적 국면의 체험 현상
이덕분LeeDuckBoon , 김시덕KimSiDuck , 강유원KangYuWon
35(1) 289-299, 1996
A Study on the Experience Phenomena of the Competitive Aspect in Athletic Games 스포츠 심리학 : 운동경기에서 경쟁적 국면의 체험 현상
이덕분LeeDuckBoon , 김시덕KimSiDuck , 강유원KangYuWon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the essence and characterisitics of competitive sport experience from the qualitative and phenomenological perspective. For doing this this study focused on the subjective and immediate sport experience in order to identify the personal meaning of athlete’s competitive experience. Twenty-two athletes were selected as research participants for this study. An ‘Experiential Description and Analysis’ method, based on the phenomenological approach, was used to collect and to interpret the data on competitive sport experience from research participants.
As the result of this study, the definition, categories of meaning, characteristics of competitive sport experience were identified.
For conceptualizing and categorizing of participants’ meanings on the competitive sport experience, the following existential categories were identified: 1) lived time, 2) lived space, 3) lived body, and 4) lived relationship. It was pointed out that competitive sport experiences; which are involved in the above meaningful categories, are complicated and multidimensional phenomena.
Key Words
The Moderating Effects of Taekwondo Training Against Life Stress on Mental Health 스포츠 심리학 : 태권도 수련이 스트레스와 정신건강 간에 미치는 완충작용
Chun Jae Park
35(1) 300-308, 1996
The Moderating Effects of Taekwondo Training Against Life Stress on Mental Health 스포츠 심리학 : 태권도 수련이 스트레스와 정신건강 간에 미치는 완충작용
Chun Jae Park
Key Words
A study on the actual techniques used in Badminton mix double game 스포츠 심리학 : 배드민턴 혼합복식(混合複式) 경기중(競技中) 기술사용(技術使用) 실태(實態)에 관한 연구(硏究)
35(1) 309-321, 1996
A study on the actual techniques used in Badminton mix double game 스포츠 심리학 : 배드민턴 혼합복식(混合複式) 경기중(競技中) 기술사용(技術使用) 실태(實態)에 관한 연구(硏究)
The results of investigation and analysis of the actual techniques used by the top-level players of one domestic team and five foreign teams were as follows:
1. The match techniques used by C ·M ·H and P ·J ·B, Korean players, were the total 417 times. Among them, "Under clear" was used 109 times(26.1%), "Drive" was by 69 times(15.3%), "Smash" was used 54 times(12.9%), and "Push" was used 43 times(10.3%). 711 of them was 64.7% of the total techniques.
2. The match techniques used by E ·H and V ·E Indonesian players, were the total 437 times. Among them, "Smash" was used 84 times(19.22%), "Drive" was used 58 times(13.27%), "Push" was used 50 times(11.44%), and "Under clear" was used 49 times(11.21%). All of them was 55.14% of the total techniques.
3. The match techniques used by J ·K and N ·N, Danish players, were the total 367 times. Among them, "Smash" was used 67 times(18.26%), "Drop" was used 51 timer(13.90%), "Short service" was used 48 times(13.08%) and "Push" was used 38 times(10.35%). All of them was 55.59% of the total techniques.
4. The match techniques used by W ·C ·B. and Y ·X ·F, Chinese players, were the total 350 times. Among them, "Under clear" was used 77 times(22.00%), "Push" was used 54 times(15.43%), "Smash" was used 48 times(13.71%) and "Drive" was used 31 times(8.86%). All of them was 60% of the total techniques.
5. The match techniques used by M ·R and J ·E ·A, Swedish players, were the total 281 times. Among them, "Drive" was used 49 times(17.44%), "Smash" was used 40 times(14.23%), "Under clear" was used 36 times (12.81%) and "Short service and Drop" were each used 34 times(12.10%). All of them was 68. 68% of the total techniques.
6. The match techniques used by T ·L and T ·D ·P, Danish players, were the total 336 times. Among of them, "Drive" was used 71 times(21.12%), "Push" was used 44 times(13.10%), "Under clear" was used 43 times (12.80%) and "Smash" was used 41 times (10.20%). All of them was 59.23% of the total techniques.
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Mechanical power in lower extremities during take off phase of drop jump in older women 운동역학 : 고령자(高齡者)의 드롭점프 발구름 동작(動作)에 있어 하지관절(下肢關節)의 역학적(力學的) 파워
35(1) 325-334, 1996
Mechanical power in lower extremities during take off phase of drop jump in older women 운동역학 : 고령자(高齡者)의 드롭점프 발구름 동작(動作)에 있어 하지관절(下肢關節)의 역학적(力學的) 파워
The purpose of this study was to compare the mechanical power of lower extremities in young and older women during take off phase of the bounce drop jump at the height of 15 ㎝. Fifteen women ages 30 to 39 years and 15 ages 50 to 56 years were instructed so as to drop jumping on the force platform with their both legs at the height of 15 cm. They were filmed from side with the high speed camera (100 fps). The power developed at the ankle, the knee and the hip joint were computed by taking the product of the moment of force and the joint angular velocity. The older group showed lower eccentric torque and power for knee extensors(p<.01). And compared to young women, older women had lower concentric torque and power values for knee extensors(p<.01). However, ankle and hip power values did not differ from that of young women. Differences between the age groups were less for the eccentric muscle action than for the concentric one. Lower concentric strength values for older women in comparison to the young women were confirmed in this study. It appeared that the loss of muscle strength with aging was attributed to a reduction in muscle mass characterized by a decrease in muscle fiber size and number, with the loss of moter units. Despite of a reduced muscle mass in the older group, the torque and power values of ankle and hip obtained under conditions of eccentric contraction were less affected by age factor than were concentric one.
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The biomechanical analysis of Taekwondo Dolgaechagi motion 운동역학 : 태권도 돌개차기 동작의 운동역학적 분석
강성철KangSung-Chul , 김복영KimBok-Young
35(1) 335-345, 1996
The biomechanical analysis of Taekwondo Dolgaechagi motion 운동역학 : 태권도 돌개차기 동작의 운동역학적 분석
강성철KangSung-Chul , 김복영KimBok-Young
The purpose of this study was to analyze kinematic and kinetic variables during Taekwondo Dolgaechagi motion by male players of university motion and suggest kinematic and kinetic principles of Taekwondo Dolgaechagi motion. The subjects of this study were four male players of university who had over 10 years career. The experiment of this study was used two 16㎜ high speed cameras and its speed was 100frames / second. Data analysis of this study was three-dimensional cinematography using KWON3D program package. The conclusions were :
1. Kicking time was 0.20±.02s during second take off to impact.
2. After second take off, C. O. G. position /height ratio was to be continue higher till impact.
3. Maximum velocity of thigh, shank, foot was increased sequently and this showed whip like motion. Left-right horizontal velocity of foot showed maximum at impact.
4. For the momentum of lower limb effectively transferred target, was fixed trunk at impact, properly flexion of hip joint and extension of knee joint was needed.
5. If angular momentum of trunk and thigh properly transferred shank and foot till impact and controled knee angle, velocity and angular momentum of shank and foot at impact, effectively performed Taekwondo Dolgaechagi motion.
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Biomechanical analysis of the flic-flac in gymnastics 운동역학 : 체조 경기 중 제자리 손 짚고 뒤돌기(flic-flac)동작의 운동역학적 분석
김주선KimJoosun , 유원종YooWonjong , 이기태LeeGitae
35(1) 346-353, 1996
Biomechanical analysis of the flic-flac in gymnastics 운동역학 : 체조 경기 중 제자리 손 짚고 뒤돌기(flic-flac)동작의 운동역학적 분석
김주선KimJoosun , 유원종YooWonjong , 이기태LeeGitae
This study was to analysis the ground reaction force, kinematics, kinetics variable of flit-flat in gymnatics and to suggest a better coaching method by knowing the mechanical variables. Five subjects were tested with the force platform and one high speed camera was filmed. The computer took the electric signals through the amplifier and collecting data was 300㎐ through this process the typical force-time curve could be found. One spatial reference point and 17 anatomical marks were used as input in a movement analyzing computer program and then, smoothed with cutoff frequency set at 10㎐. The conclusions are follows :
1. It was concluded that making the fastest flight phase should be profitable for correct landing position.
2. The center of gravity was low during the flight phase
3. During the COG take-off speed measurement, horizontal speed was 1.546 ±0.383㎧ and vertical speed was 0.596 ±0.130㎧. Therefore horizontal speed was faster than vertical speed.
4. The most of the Hg generated before take-off and the contribution of the arms to the total Hg played a dominant role.
5. The ground reaction force at take-off was revealed that it was twice greater than that of the body weight.
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Gender differences in physical fitness of the obese boys and girls 체육측정평가 : 비만 청소년의 체력 특성의 성차
金憲經HunKyungKIM , 金基學KiHackKIM
35(1) 357-371, 1996
Gender differences in physical fitness of the obese boys and girls 체육측정평가 : 비만 청소년의 체력 특성의 성차
金憲經HunKyungKIM , 金基學KiHackKIM
Gender differences in physical fitness have been reported in many studies. However, little information is available on physical fitness in obese boys and girls. The purpose of this, study was to investigate the differences in physical fitness between obese boys and girls. The subjects were 51 obese boys and 64 obese girls aged 12.0-14.9 years. Eighteen physical fitness items were tested and skinfold thickness was measured at six sites. Bioelectrical impedance(Z) was measured using a tetrapolar impedance plethysmograph(Selco SIF-891). Body density was calculated from impedance index and triceps skinfold thickness, and it was converted to percent body fat using the formula of Brozek et al. The results of the comparative study clearly indicated that the obese boys were significantly superior in handball throw, back strength, grip strength and many other variables, but were inferior in trunk extension, leg balance and trunk flexion. The relative values of obese girls to obese boys in selected physical fitness elements were 67.50% for handball throw, 73.23% for back strength, 136.45% for leg balance, and 332.50% for trunk flexion. Regression analysis was used to develop the equation for predicting performance score from FFM or %fat. The Precision of regression equation was evaluated by the R and SEE. R ranged from 0.846 to 0.404 in the obese boys and from 0.528 to 0.404 in the obese girls. To analyze the factorial structure for these boys and girls, principal factor analysis was applied to the correlation matrix which was calculated with 18 variables, and then six factors in obese boys and five factors in obese girls were extracted. From these results, it was confirmed that the gender differences in physacal fitnss of the obese boys and girls seem to be rather complicated. A great deal of data should be accumulated for more detailed analysis on gender differences in middle school obese boys and girls.
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Item and Test Informations of Fat Knowledge Test 체육측정평가 : 문항반응이론(問項反應理論)에 의한 비만지식검사(肥滿智識檢査)의 적절성(適切性) 검증(檢證)
35(1) 372-385, 1996
Item and Test Informations of Fat Knowledge Test 체육측정평가 : 문항반응이론(問項反應理論)에 의한 비만지식검사(肥滿智識檢査)의 적절성(適切性) 검증(檢證)
Knowledge tests of health and physical fitness provide various levels of information about the factors they measure. Recently Fat Knowledge Test (Kang & Lee, 1994) was developed to investigate how many Korean young children have a correct knowledge on the obesity and to identify the test items which effectively discriminate between normal and obese children. The purpose of this study was to examine the appropriateness of the Fat Knowledge Test (FKT) by analyzing item and test informations and differential item functions between male and female and between normal and obese youths.
The subjects for this investigation were secondary school male and female students at a large urban area in Seoul. FKT consisted of 15 true-false items was administered to 774 students. 343 out of 774 subjects were turned to be obese. Two-parameter logistic model using the PC-BILOG was utilized to estimate item and examinee ability parameters. ΔMH index by Mantel-Haenszel method and SA and UA index by Raju method were analyzed to test differential item function, using MHDIF and IRTDIF programs, respectively.
The unidimensionality assumption was tested using a common factor analysis with a varimax rotation. This result provided strong evidence of the unidimensionality of the test on the basis of the criteria (Reckase, 1979) that the first factor should have more than 20% of the total common variance. Most items of FKT had good fit values, considering that the values of this residual greater than 2.0 were regarded as misfitting items (Mislevy & Bock, 1990). The items with a poor fit was items 1, 2, 4, 12, and 13.
Results of item and test information analyses revealed that items 9, 11, and 14 provided maximum information at -0.80<θ<-0.25 level. The other items produced low item information at the all range of θ, especially at θ=-0.25 which indicated the cut-off point discriminating between normal and obese youths. However, FKT provided maximum information at the -0.80<θ<-0.20. It was revealed that FKT was appropriate to discriminate the students pertaining to θ=-0.20 level.
On the basis of differential item function analysis, the 8 items (1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 15) among 15 of FKT for the secondary school students showed statistically significant differential item function. However, the tentative contents analysis did not reveal why the differential item function exist in most of 8 items. It was concluded that mean differences of FKT scores between normal and obese students were not caused by the differential item function but the difference of students` abilities.
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A Study on the Development Test of Infant 체육측정평가 : 장애유유아(障碍乳幼兒)의 발달검사(發達檢査)에 관하여
김현덕 , 김기용
35(1) 386-391, 1996
A Study on the Development Test of Infant 체육측정평가 : 장애유유아(障碍乳幼兒)의 발달검사(發達檢査)에 관하여
김현덕 , 김기용
Tests for understanding children have to be simple and no need long time. Validity and reliability are essential in each test. The principle of the test must be done by an expert who was trained or mastered about the test method. But, others can do the test if they master it.
In the case of testing, it must be clarified what to know about all characters of the child because there is an unique purpose in each test method.
There is need to combine some test methods for understanding all characters of the child because it is not possible to understand all characters of the child by one test method.
Therefore, the teacher and the instructor in adapted physical education must understand and master the purpose and the character of each test method, and execute the test.
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A Comparative Analysis of a Tennis Scoring System using Monte Calro Simulation 체육측정평가 : 몬테칼로 시뮬레이션을 이용한 테니스 스코어링시스템의 비교분석
김윤호Yun-HoKim , 정진화Jin-HoaJeong , 김영훈Yeung-HoonKim
35(1) 392-396, 1996
A Comparative Analysis of a Tennis Scoring System using Monte Calro Simulation 체육측정평가 : 몬테칼로 시뮬레이션을 이용한 테니스 스코어링시스템의 비교분석
김윤호Yun-HoKim , 정진화Jin-HoaJeong , 김영훈Yeung-HoonKim
We are suggesting a scoring system in this study as follows: the inferior can play a game on equal terms with the superior by making good use of the handicap.
We are compared three kinds of scoring system, System 1(conventional scoring system), System 2(conventional scoring system with the handcap), and System 3(no-advantage scoring system) using the Monte Calro simulation.
We know that System 2 increases the possibilities for the inferior play to score sets, and System 1 and System 3 have a tendency to make a more equal set. In conclusion, to introduce a handicap into a conventionl scoring system would allow one to play a more competitive game in addition to being easier.